Tableau Software and Data visualization Quiz
Looking for a Tableau desktop specialist practice exam or questions. Our Tableau Desktop, Tableau prep and Tableau Server quizzes are designed to help you test your learning on Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep or Tableau Server technologies, or simply prepare for Tableau Software product certifications and exams! Assistance in preparing Tableau Desktop specialist and qualified associate certifications.
You also have exercises and questions to assess your knowledge in data visualization and dashboard design combining both reliability and user-friendliness!
Which quiz are you interested in?
This Quiz is designed for those new to Tableau Desktop and want to assess basic knowledge, Tableau Specialist certification. Prerequisite: Formation Fondamentale
Quiz Tableau avancé II
This Quiz is designed for those who are proficient in Tableau Desktop and wish to assess advanced knowledge and skills. Prerequisite : Formation Fondam
This Quiz is designed for those who work with Tableau Desktop and wish to assess the skills acquired on Tableau to prepare for the Qualified Associate certification.
You build reliable and enjoyable dashboards. This quiz is designed to assess your skills in designing and applying the basics, you build reliable and enjoyable dashboards. This quiz is designed to assess your skills in designing and applying the basics.
Our training
Before proceeding to the design and realization of dashboards with Tableau Software products, it is necessary to understand the Tableau Software ecosystem, the products …
You will learn the basic concepts of performance dashboard design combining reliability and user-friendliness. This training is for you …
Interested in building expertise on Tableau Desktop? Have you ever built visualizations and used advanced calculation concepts?