Divergent thinking :process or method used to generate multiple related ideas for a given topic or solutions to a problem. To mesure the divergent thinking capability, metrics like Fluency : number of ideas per time unit, Originality : degree of newness and …
How we can define innovation ? Innovation is “”The act of introducing a new device (such smartphone, motor bike), method ( such a way of assembling cars, new business process or a new way of making money) or material for …
What is creativity definition ? A commonly used definition is that “”creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas””. The creativity is mainly built on the Novelty and usefulness of the proposed idea. Moreover, an idea is novel or …
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Today it is very easy to leave behind the creative side and keep doing tasks which we don’t really want to do or not having that keen interest. Loaded with …
In todays’ new and competitive world, where everything is changing faster, the only thing with which you can keep up with is the ability to be yourself. Being yourself means here to be the one different and unique from your …